Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sex Tarts for FLAVORED loving...

I recently started showing Sex Tarts, an edible lube!  Edible lube...oh, yeah!  Sex tarts tastes GREAT...almost like Jolly Ranchers!  So, I showed this a couple of weeks at my Jacksonville party and they loved it!  Sex Tarts will not create yeast in the vaginal area (I don't like using hoo haa, vajjay...let's just call it what it is!) but it will create a tasty treat for you and your lover to lick and get slick for some loving!

Sex Tarts comes in these great FLAVORS:  Green Apple, Cherry, Strawberry and the newest flavor...Watermelon!  YUMMY!

Get yours NOW for only $10.50 plus s/h at

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